Maison&Objetに出展します|2023年9月7日(木)〜11日(月)In Paris
2023 / 07 /20開催概要
場所:パリ・ノール・ヴィルパント見本市会場(PARIS NORD Villepinte)
主催:SAFI (メゾン・エ・オブジェ日本総代理店:株式会社DEAI)
出品ブランド数:60カ国2,337ブランド ※2023年1月展実績
来場者数:144カ国67,429人 ※2023年1月展実績
弊社ブース HALL2 D106
▲HALL2 D106
Connecting Artists and Society
Kashiko is a series of stationery products made using traditional craft designs, created to connect artists and society. These practical items incorporate iconic designs from Ishikawa’s Kutani Ware artists, with a stylish contemporary feel.
360 Years of Kutani Ware
Kutani Ware: traditional dishes, tea items, and other ceramics from Ishikawa with roughly 360 years of history, known for their iconic five-color palette of glazes. They have been beloved around the world for centuries.
A City Where Traditional Culture is Part of Everyday Life
Ishikawa is located in central Japan, along the Sea of Japan coast. The capital, Kanazawa, boasts convenient access to and from major cities like Tokyo, and the prefecture is blessed with abundant natural resources. Back in the day of the samurai, the castle town of Kanazawa flourished as a center of traditional crafts and culture — which still live on here to this day.
Supporting Artists
Unlike tableware, stationery is small and light, so it scales elegantly. Our goal is for this stationery to represent local artists, shared with the world.
Make It Lovely with a Single Note
Each original design is hand-drawn by an artist, for a delicate beauty ready for a handwritten note as a finishing touch. The cards and clips can be used to attach the notes to flowers or gifts.